
…the voices in our heads…the voices in our hearts…the voices in our souls…the voices in our heads…the voices in our hearts…the voices in our souls…the voices in our heads…the voices in our hearts…the voices in our souls…


A few days ago I had a long conversation with a good friend who reminded me to accept my skills and talents. The next day, I had another conversation with another friend who said very much the same thing. Yesterday, the exact same thing happened with a completely different person. I am grateful for the people in my life who offer gentle mental nudges and shoves, urging me to keep going, to never stop. Thank you. 



Value in every grain of sand

on the beach

where I first discovered the magic of



Crushed bits and pieces of

this and that

gathered together

on the beach

where I first discovered the necessity of



Dashed against the rocks

again and again

reformed into the value of

beautiful sand

beautiful bits and pieces




Gorgeous ocean paws swing down

in a mighty arc of

unreal prowess



Curled up


absorbing the sounds

where you first discovered me





Accepting my own

bits and pieces

gathered up in the

shoreline of my mind


Understand my pleasure

with your belief

your acceptance of

the necessity of my







6 thoughts on “crashing

  1. Your skills and talents are endless
    You are an amazing talented lady
    Strength shines through you
    You also provides smiles to many
    You are medicine to the eyes as is your art and written work.
    Keep on bringing us your splendor


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